Parent Coordination is a court-ordered, child-focused service designed to help high-conflict parents follow their Parenting Plan and Court Orders. Co-parenting is challenging, even in the best circumstances, and high conflict between parents can cause unnecessary stress for everyone—especially children.
What is Parent Coordination?
Parent Coordination uses a combination of mental health and family law techniques, such as:
• Assessment and education.
• Mediation and counseling.
• Conflict resolution and decision-making authority.
The goal is to help parents reach harmonious agreements on their own in a timely way, reducing the need to return to court. This saves parents time, money, and frustration. If parents cannot agree, the Parent Coordinator has the legal authority to make decisions in the child’s best interests.
Why Choose Dr. Sanders?
Dr. Sanders has over 35 years of experience helping families navigate difficult situations. His qualifications include:
• Extensive training in clinical psychology and forensic practices.
• Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 31 Listed Family Mediator with Specialty Training in Domestic Violence.
• Adherence to the practice guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC).
For more information, you can view the following guidelines:
• APA Guidelines for Parenting Coordination
• AFCC Guidelines for Parenting Coordination