Separation or divorce can be overwhelming for families, especially when children are involved. Is there a way to make the best of a tough situation? Yes, and Dr. Michael W. Sanders is here to help.


Dr. Michael W. Sanders, PhD, is a clinical psychologist based in Knoxville, Tennessee, with over 35 years of experience. He specializes in Child and Family Clinical and Forensic Psychology. Dr. Sanders offers Therapy for Individuals and Families, as well as services tailored to separating or divorcing families, including couples who were never married. His expertise also extends to those navigating the family court system or seeking divorce-related support outside of court.


Most of Dr. Sanders' work is conducted remotely via Zoom, a platform that meets best practices for psychological services. Clients find this approach convenient, secure, and cost-effective, as it eliminates the need for travel. Zoom also makes coparenting meetings more comfortable, particularly in high-conflict situations. Dr. Sanders’ virtual services allow him to assist clients across Tennessee effectively.


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Services for Divorce and Family Law Issues


Psychological Evaluations (Rule 35): These evaluations address parental fitness, mental health concerns, or the need for supervised child custody to ensure children’s safety. They may be court-ordered, recommended by mediation, or requested by attorneys.


Parent Coordination: Helps high-conflict coparents follow their Parenting Plan without repeated court visits. Reduced conflict benefits everyone, especially children.


Brief Focused Assessments: These court-ordered evaluations are quicker and less expensive than traditional child custody evaluations.


Settlement-Focused Parenting Plan Consultation: A new mediation approach that uses a streamlined custody evaluation to reduce conflict and avoid costly court litigation. Dr. Sanders is a Rule 31 Listed Family Mediator with SpecialtyTraining in Domestic Violence.


Forensic Psychology Services


Dr. Sanders provides Expert Consultation and Testimony for attorneys in family law cases. He has served as an expert witness in multiple Tennessee counties.

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